Monday, May 29, 2006

Part III

I finally plugged in my TV. And watched Bill and Ted. Totally non-heinous.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

So, I just bought the Alphabet of Manliness from Amazon. To go along with it, I picked up Gate to Women's Country and The Handmaid's Tale.

What truly amuses me is that Gate to Women's Country is a futuristic tale where women have taken the world over and the men live in a tightly regulated section of society. It is described (in Amazon's official review) as "provocative". The Handmaid's Tale is a futuristic tale where men have taken the world over and the women live in a tightly regulated section of society. It is described (in Amazon's official review) as "chilling".

When the "intellectual" movement is dominated by femi-Nazis who scream at the slightest offense to any woman, while trampling the rights of men (sorry, but I can't bring myself to refer to them as "inferior beings"), does anyone actually think we still live in a chauvinist society? All these people do is create animosity towards women.

Television Again

I still haven't touched it. But I have gotten another round and a half on my rug.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I have a TV now. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. It's a nice 13" Toshiba with built in VCR. Since I haven't been able to watch Bill and Ted in a year (due to lack of television), this is a blessing. But is it a mixed blessing?

I haven't owned my own (haha) television since I was in high school, and I don't think I actually watched that one more than once in a while after freshman year. Both of my roommates freshman year had TV's, and I never even watched it. Last year, Alicia had a TV (also combo VCR), and good times were had with movie nights. But unless Alicia was watching Law & Order, I never actually watched television.

I've spent the last year (with a few exceptions) almost entirely television free. I think it's had a good effect on me...I appreciate movies a lot, and I'm not desensitized to television as I have previously been.

Which leads me to conclude that I'm not sure how I feel about the TV that is currently sitting on my couch. It's been here for over three hours, and I haven't even looked for a place to put it (other than my couch). I actually glare at the TV once in a while, when I look up from the rug I'm currently working on.

Eesh, why I am so bothered by a TV?

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Chinese or Something like it

This website lists all the Chinese in Firefly and Serenity, along with the proper pronunciation, since the cast apparently slaughtered. It's pretty cool. Now I can start swearing in Chinese.