Thursday, April 10, 2008

Calling all men

For most of my scholastic life, I learned about geometry and algebra in the Cartesian plane. Imagine the shock I felt, when I attended a philosophy of math lecture, and found out that two straight lines can intersect in two places! You simply have to draw two lines in a non-Cartesian plane (they do exist), and voila!

Keeping this in mind, I am open to learning about new systems of logic, and would appreciate the opportunity to learn male logic. I have composed the following hypothetical scenario for any initiate in male logic to use as an example when explaining this exciting new system.

Male (A) has (length unspecified) romantic relationship with female (A). Female has routine use of cocaine (which she steadfastly maintains is not an addiction) and serious fidelity issues. Male (A) ends relationship with female (A) over these problems.

Several months pass. Male (A) meets and initiates a romantic relationship with female (B). Three weeks later, female (A), at an unspecified bar in an unspecified beach town in California, becomes extremely intoxicated, uses several recreational drugs, and participates in an activity she immediately regrets. Crying hysterically, female (A) calls male (A) and begs him to take her back. Male (A) terminates romantic relationship with female (B), citing that female (A) needs him.

Male (A) requests that a platonic, friendly relationship continue betwixt female (B) and himself. Female (B) refuses, wanting to distance herself from the situation. Male (A) becomes extremely angry.

I get everything until the last paragraph. Honestly, I don’t understand all of the logic behind the events in the latter half of the second paragraph, but I understand that this does occur. Could someone explain the logic of this scenario?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Underpants Update.

They were indeed quite lucky.

Aside from a few personal events, which I am not going to publicly announce, but suffice it to say I was quite tickled before my classes even started.

I went to find out why I hadn’t received my diploma yet. Turns out, due to clerical error, I didn’t graduate. The graduation office grunt was actually courteous (which never happens) and helpful, and solved the problem within 15 minutes. So, I graduated Monday.

In Instrumental Analysis, which seems to get out late more often than on time, the professor looked at his schedule and realized we were a full lecture ahead of schedule. So we actually got out a few minutes early. And then my math class was canceled.

Other fun little things, like the book I wanted actually being in the library, kept happening until lab. Nathing can make that lab any better, again due to reasons I am staying mum on.

Anyway, I had an instrumental test today, and a P-chem test yesterday, and my anxiety hasn’t settled yet. Possibly because I didn’t wear my lucky underpants, but I just didn’t think it would be fair to my classmates. And repeats are gross.

So, in summation, my underpants luck charge did not dissipate from boing rolled inside snakeskin print fabric for two years. In case you ever need to know about expiration dates. Or luck. Or my knickers. I don’t know. Why are you even reading this?