Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am thankful for:

I have acquired an espresso machine. The world should consider itself warned.

Also, I got to carve the turkey this year. They gave me a knife that plugs into the wall.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today, the Best Week Ever begins.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My closet is too small, part II

So, I finally got un-lazy enough to take some more pictures. Whee, drills, whee!

The first time I put this shelf up, it was beautiful. I put all my clothes up, and just... admired it. Then I ran downstairs to grab one more pair of jeans (I am dead serious...this is not made up at all.), hung them up, and sat down to do some homework. Three minutes later, it collapsed. I found parts of the screws, still in the wall. The force of the fall actually broke them. So I went and got some longer screws...and put it back up, two inches higher. I found the other parts of the screws when I was hanging everything back up.

My desk, unmoved.

My bookshelf, with a pretty picture of butterflies, given to me by a pretty smart 6-year-old. I've had my name misspelled a lot of different ways, but if you think about it, "A6le" makes a lot of sense.