Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wow, it’s been a while.

According to, oh shit, hang on...ok, according to my records, I have not posted in over three months. Oops. I would apologize, but I'm taking 19 credits and working, so, fuck you, instead.

Since I last wrote:

It took another month to get my paycheck.

I found out the civil engineering students are incapable of simple mathematical operations.

I also found out that licking one's fingers and pinching a sparkler is not a very good method for putting it out.

I lost my wallet on the way to Boston. I lost my grip on reality on the way back to Las Vegas.

The TSA sucks.

Wells Fargo sucks.

School sucks.

I helped build a chuppa.

I got very sunburned doing so.

I now own a bonzai tree.

His name is Sherman.

He drinks a lot.

I'm taking three math classes.

And a basic programming class, although not a BASIC programming class. Hah! No one will get that.

Well, maybe one person will get that.

I am having some serious train of thought issues.

I have 2 tests, a presentaion, and a program to write this week.

I wonder if the two are related.

Oh, I prank-called a psychic.

Anyway, I am willing to write about one of these things by next week. Or something completely different. But I need a request, or I'm just going to take a bunch of pictures of Sherman and post them.