Friday, February 15, 2008

The List

Having not written in a while, I thought I would expound upon one of my latest projects, a list of things that I find to be a little weird:

1) Warm toilet seats in public places.

2) Warm seats in public places.

3) Crimped-up toilet paper.

4) Waiting in the passenger seat while the driver gets gas.

5) Being on hold.

6) IMing someone who may or may not be at the computer.

7) Being on your way out when someone shows up.

8) People who watch you at the gym.

9) to be continued...

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Is it wrong to pray that someone will suffocate on their pillow at night?

There is a website with a message board, for my biochemistry class. My class has our first test on Tuesday. I posted a message for a study group, and after a time/location was agreed on, I posted the time/location. The very next reply was from a girl acking me where the study group would be.

It didn't happen, by the way. The guy who was, for sure, meeting me, just became a father, a week early. I think I can understand forgetting in his case.

So we set up another meeting. For today. I left another message on the board, saying to email me if you were interested. The same dumb shit left a message, with her email address, saying she was definitely interested, and please email her as soon as we know where!

Don't get me wrong, but if someone's reading comprehension does not even rival my 6-year-old cousin's, what exactly do they have to contribute to a study group?

I really wanted to tell her we were meeting at the bottom of Lake Mead.