Monday, March 31, 2008

Lucky Underpants

Last night, whilst sorting out some fabric, (I was looking for a very specific shade of green...and you can guess how many yards of green fabric I have. Don’t judge me.) I found my lucky underpants. They have been missing since I moved from NY, and I found out why. In my delightfully organized packing style, anything made of cloth gotthrown together. When unpacking my fabric, I found tons of shirts, but I didn’t shake everything out really well.

But I should have.

While pulling down every piece of fabric I own from the top shelf in my closet, one of the larger bolts, which had been intended for curtains, hit me on the head and unrolled on its path to the floor. And what should I find but my lucky undies! There they were, sitting there in all their serendipitous glory, no worse for the (lack of) wear.

I was unsure as to whether on not these miraculous knickers had lost their power, so I am currently testing them. Traffic was horrible, but that has nothing to do with luck, traffic is always bad in the morning in Las Vegas. I got a good burn on someone within minutes of being on campus, so it is entirely possible that they are still lucky. The real test will come tonight, during the UV-Vis lab. If the data comes out smooth and the instrument doesn’t break (and if we finish before 10pm), I will call it a win. Updates to come.

Political Entertainment

I maintain that the only way the Rev. Wright and racial tension scandal could get any funnier is if one of John McCain’s advisors turned out to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. And videos of him/her making racist speeches without the hood were somehow made public. I would love to see the contrast. John McCain doesn’t really seem to be saying much of anything about the good reverend’s comments, which again, I would love to see how Cli-bama would react to a racist advisor on the other side of the fence.

Also, Chelsea Clinton, I have lost respect for you.

When the Lewinsky scandal broke, I was 13, and I remember feeling sorry for Chelsea. It’s bad enough to find out that your dad is a philandering douchebag, but how awful is it when it’s national news? And the worst part? It’s with someone a few years older than you. How much therapy would you need to put that behind you normally...multiplied by national coverage....

Anyway, someone asked if she felt that her mother’s comment that Bill was being attacked by "the vast right-wing conspiracy" during the Lewinsky scandal had damaged Hilary’s reputation, she blasted them with, "Wow, you’re the first person actually that’s ever asked me that question in the, I don’t know maybe, 70 college campuses I’ve now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business."

Actually, it is our business, Chelsea. If you’d been asked about the emotional climate at the dinner table that evening, yeah, that’s private.

You weren’t. If the right wing conspiracy was so vast, and such a did Clinton get elected in the first place? Or the second place? And yes, the House drug your father’s name through the mud, but it was your father’s infidelity, and lack of discretion that led to the situation. The Republiccan representatives that cried out for impeachment on perjury charges? Their conservative constituents were shocked and offended by the President’s behavior. They were being good representatives, and following the wishes of the people who elected them.

You were asked about your mother’s blame shifting tactics. Rather than face the question, she lashed out at the easiest target, a "conspiracy". I have publicly stated that if there is a right-wing conspiracy, I would love to join it, but so far, I haven’t received any membership pamphlets.

An appropriate response from you would have been that your mother was frustated by the constant attacks on your father, and that she did not want to believe her husband had been unfaithful. Even though that is probably a lie. Anyway, you should have continued on with, "The entire ordeal was very taxing on my mother, and from her mistake, she learned to more carefully analyze a situation before casting blame on anyone."

It’s that simple.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Physics ruined my life.

This afternoon, while driving, I actually wondered what the index of refraction for forehead oil was.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stuff and nonsense

Lucy made my day yesterday by giving me a pen that wrote well.

I didn't have to go to lab tonight, so I was already going to go home early, and then my math class was cancelled. Whee!

On the way home, I was passed on the freeway by a black Camaro with the vanity plate, 'MULLET.' I rest my case. Also, I am not making this up.