Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How would you like to have to file the following non-conformance report:

"Work to assigned document (IPLV-017) was performed prior to training by reading. Work was performed on a quality-affecting task; however, the work itself was not quality-affecting, as the pipettor in question (ID#:2380745) was used for a purpose not intended by the manufacturer of the pipettor, nor by the author of IPLV-017."

I almost wish I was making this up.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

AIDS vs. Bipedal...-ism

Would it be better to get AIDS or lose a leg?

The reason I ask, see, is, me and my vivid imagination, we ahh, well, you probably know that part. Anyway, any night that I've stayed late at the library, (which is turning into most nights) I have to walk back the parking garage to get to my car. And I frequently imagine (not someone sneaking up behind me, because I could handle that with an elbow and a right hook), no my imagination goes for gold and the most frequent thought that pops into my head is someone shooting me with a tranq dart. Someone would really have to hate me to go to all that effort, and since I'm so loveable, this is probably wasted angst.

Anyway, the thought of tonight was, "What if it was a dart, not a tranq dart, but one loaded with a nasty virus, say AIDS?"

At which point, I realized that there wouldn't really be any bouncing back from that, because AIDS is pretty serious. Unless it hit me it the leg, and I badass-ly tourniqueted and lopped my leg off with a pocket knife. That might save me from the AIDS. Y'know, if I maim myself quickly enough.

So it brings me back to my original question. Would it be better to get AIDS or lose a leg?

Why, yes, it was a long day, why do you ask?

Oh, and for the record, if I ever do anything stupid enough to get AIDS, I will shoot myself.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Webcampus is UNLV's online something or other that hosts the online classes, or the online components of classes. I just won a flamewar on the educational psychology message board. My cousin is drinkingand talking about the fun of cutting flat worms in half, so she is unable to judge my geekiness. Anyone else want to estimate?