Monday, August 18, 2008

I am a bad, bad person.

Friday night, I checked out the medal count for the Olympics. ( As I was looking through the entire list, instead of just the top 3, I noticed that Kenya wasn't anywhere on it.

I said, to myself, "Huh. Must not have been any running events yet."

Out of curiosity, I checked the schedule. The pre-lims had started Thursday night.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mathematical Nonsense

I have realized that I think about math maybe more than the average person. This realization came this morning, as I was pedaling up a hill, and thought, Whew! There's the inflection point!
By way of backstory, my new job, which I adore, is in BOULDER CITY. A quiet, happy little town, that happens to be 39.9 miles from where I currently live. Add to this: the night before I was offered this job, I blew out the head gasket in my car. I took the job anyway, because I am a chemist, I am, and being an employed chemist is even better.
I tried driving my grandfather's truck. But there are three problems. One, I hate driving his truck. Two, the truck sucks gas faster than I suck whiskey. Three, it likes to overheat if I drive above 45 miles per hour for very long.
I could live with not enjoying the drive. But when there is a very convenient state highway that runs from my house to my place of employment, it is rather frustrating to drive through surface street traffic so the engine doesn't catch on fire and kill you. While the truck sucks more gas because stop and go traffic is a bitch like that.
It's number two, really, that kills me. On a good day, the truck eats about 6 gallons of gas for the commute. And I am dirt cheap. The solution: take the bus. The hitch: the closest bus stop to my house is 3.6 miles away. At 3:00am, that's a little long. So I ride my bike instead, because it's mostly downhill, and the only hill is going over the convenient state highway. Where I sighed in relief for the inflection point today.
This will all be obsolete angst soon, though. I found an adorable apartment yesterday, and I move in Saturday! No more estimating inflection points, but I swear I could feel it.